Phase I Trail & Park
On October 13, 2020, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Rolling Hills Community Park Phase I Trail and Park Plan incorporating changes based on public feedback received through this website. A previous plan presented on this page can be found here.
Below is the video of the presentation given to BCC as well as the newly approved plan.
​Thank you for your participation in the public input process.
The following changes were made to the original Phase I plan presented through this website in response to the public input received.
The Central Gathering parking area was removed and the existing parking lot shown to be renovated in Phase 1 to accommodate parking needs and reduce cut-through traffic.
The southwest trailhead was modified to remove the small parking area and restroom building in Phase 1. A pedestrian connection to Raymond Ave. and a shade pavilion remain.
The Crane Cove area along North St. was more fully developed to serve as the southern park access point with parking, capitalizing on a parking area that was already in the plan and adding connecting sidewalks to the primary trail in the park.
Click to enlarge.

This plan focuses on constructing the primary multi-purpose trail, over 4 miles in length, connecting the entire geography of the park. The alignment of the trail responds to existing site conditions and future vision for the Park Places. The Phase 1 Trail and Park includes areas of planting and park amenities, including elements funded in partnership with a grant from Florida Communities Trust (FCT), which are labeled on the plan.
These include:
Nature Trail
Picnic Pavilion
Recognition Sign
Interpretative Signs
Parking Areas
Bicycle Parking Stands
Pedestrian and Bicycle Access
Landscape Improvements/Natural Areas
Additional improvements are to be completed as part of future phases.
Check out the Resources page for plan PDF download.